Travelling with friends makes you realise two things for sure one, people are very different than what you feel they are in the limited amount of time you spend with them at college, and second a trip bonds you for life with the idiots you made such amazing memories with.... So continuing where i left off ..... we boarded the intercity express from agra to ajmer at 5 in the morning, this journey was a long one and also a tiring one since, we were not exactly mentally prepared for the exhaustion we felt ,sitting crammed in the the chair car with zero sight of breakfast, our moods lit up when we reached jaisalmer station and all of a sudden the crowd disappeared, we sprang from our seats to stretch our legs and bought tea from the tea vendors refreshed ourselves and braced ourselves for the 2 hours of journey left, our professors made the mood light and kept us motivated all along, while they themselves were more tired than us, it made me realise that when you find like ...