"Mythological Monolougues" A Poetic Genius!!

 What attracted me the most to this book was the title itself, “mythological Monolougues” as soon as the recommendation flashed on my screen I knew I had to read this, being an Indian none of us have not been introduced to the mighty hindu mythology epics like Ramayan and Mahabharata, which are long stories of the lives of several charecters revolving around a central theme, while the Ramayana focuses on the lives of Ram, Sita, Lakshman and Hanuman , and the Mahabharata revolves around the lives of the pandavas and draupadi. Both these epics still contain various other charecters, with numerous layers to their personalities, while reading the epics it is very easy to ignore them.

But Purba Chakraborty, in her collection “Mythological Monolougues” brilliantly gets all these charecters the famous ones and the not so famous ones alive, in our living spaces. Tired of the singular narratives that the epics have assigned them, purba’s version of the monolougues by these charecters is a refreshing twist to the tale. Every coin has two sides, and there is no one way to look at any situation holds very true after reading all these charecters speaking up for themselves.
Purba’s verses are flowy yet crisp in the right mix and beautifully imprint themselves on the reader’s heart, all these monolougues are just different perspectives, some short and some long, which are very cleverly and carefully crafted, this beautiful masterpiece is a reader’s delight playing the right cords of Indian Imagination. I highly recommend everyone to surely read it , the monolougues are in the form of poems, a collection of 26 gems. Talking from the viewpoint of every character.

It is surely a 10/10 read, you can grab a copy from the link given below.

Mythological Monolougues


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